Monday, December 11, 2006

Why not go further?

These remarks from Kofi Annan, the outgoing United Nations Secretary-General, excerpted in the Washington Post from a speech he gave today, are so weak that they really are meaningless.

Why doesn’t he do more to outline a program to reform international institutions to enable them to oppose the US.

His call for a more equitable distribution of Security Council seats is good, but it doesn’t go far enough. How about along with this comes an end to the veto, or a way for a super majority to override a veto? That would be a good start, and Bush would shit his pants.

Sure the American people need to rein in their government’s abuses, but the world community also needs to unite against American hegemony. When its citizens fail to stop their government, then the rest of the world needs to act the way the US would and treat it as what it is, a rogue state, and isolate it and stop it.


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