Divided Democrats?
There appears to be a lot in the news recently about how divided the Democrats are. Perhaps this will be the media narrative and a tool to keep them from working effectively and from expanding on their gains two years from now. Who should get the credit for the victory? This is a completely ridiculous question, as is, who stood in the way of making even bigger gains?
This is just a transparent media strategy of divide and conquer. I mean, why isn’t the GOP’s “recriminations, finger-pointing and infighting” getting the same scrutiny? I mean, Trent Lott? It’s actually hilarious that this racist is the man they want to have as the public face of their party.
The NY Times quotes: “I would describe his leadership as Rumsfeldian in its incompetence,” one strategist, James Carville, said of Mr. Dean.
And as we have known for some time, James Carville is an ass and a Republican operative. He needs to be marginalized.
But at least there are a couple of decent quotes in there, like:
“Asking Dean to step down now, after last week, is equivalent to asking Eisenhower to resign after the Normandy invasion,” Mr. Fowler said. “It’s just nonsense.
“Carville and Greenberg — those people are my friends — they are just dead wrong. They wanted all that money to go to Washington consultants and speechwriters and pollsters. This kind of nonsense is destructive of the party.”
But really, the Democrats need to help the media move on from this story line.
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