Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Censor the critics

Here’s an article on how the Bush administration censored an Op-Ed in the NY Times that was critical of the administration’s approach to Iran, on the grounds that it contained classified material.

“There is no plausible claim that this is confidential stuff,” Mr. Leverett said in an interview. “There’s no detail in these paragraphs that has not already been written about by me and other officials.”

They said the draft article called for a new diplomatic approach to relations with Iran and pointed out that the United States had worked fruitfully with Iran after the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks and in the Afghanistan conflict in 2002.

The authors said the administration did not want that history emphasized when it is resisting pressure to renew contacts with Iran.

. . .

“They don’t want us to say how many opportunities this administration has missed to put relations with Iran on a better track,” Mr. Leverett said.

It’s interesting to see this glimpse of how the Bush administration deals with its critics. No doubt this isn’t unique, but more likely just one small example in a long pattern of behavior.


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