Friday, October 06, 2006

Pedophile-gate fallout

The Washington Post has a follow-up on the FBI's coverup in the Foley pedophile case.
CREW [Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington] held a news conference Monday to announce that in July it had provided the FBI suspicious e-mails between Foley and a former House page. The group criticized the bureau for not taking more aggressive action and asked Justice Department Inspector General Glenn A. Fine to investigate the FBI's handling of the case.

Law enforcement officials said then that the e-mails did not provide enough evidence of a possible crime to warrant a full investigation.
. . .

. . .unidentified Justice and FBI officials told reporters that the e-mails provided by CREW were heavily redacted and that the group refused to provide unedited versions to the FBI.

. . .

Melanie Sloan, CREW's executive director, said copies of the original e-mails she sent to an FBI agent show those assertions to be wrong. Sloan said the agent called to confirm receipt of the e-mails and to ask if one of the parties was Foley.

Sloan said the group sent unedited e-mails to the FBI because "we wanted them to commence an investigation. We're sort of outraged that they're saying anything differently."

Isn't it the FBI's job to investigate an alleged crime and then present evidence to the Attorney General. If the FBI can't even pretend to do its job, then they need to close up shop and go home. Does the FBI really want to take the position that it was CREW's job to investigate this crime for the FBI?


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